Code of Ethics
An Outfitter and Guide Member of the Colorado Outfitters Association shall:
- Abide by all federal, state, and local laws and regulations concerning Colorado Outfitters and Guides.
- Abide by all state and federal laws and regulations concerning Colorado's wildlife and natural resources.
- Act as an ex-officio ambassador for the state of Colorado and shall not engage in practices or services that are damaging or disrespectful to the state of Colorado and the Colorado Outfitters Association.
- Represent their services completely, honestly, and fairly.
- Maintain serviceable and safe equipment used in their outfitting operations and shall maintain the highest safety standards allowable in conducting their outfitting and guiding activities.
- Conduct their outfitting and guiding operations in a manner that does not discredit themselves, other outfitters and guides , the Colorado Outfitters Association and the state of Colorado.
- Require that all clients and employees obey all state, federal, and local laws concerning Colorado's wildlife and natural resources.
- Respect and not interfere with the public's right and other outfitters' and businesses' rights to utilize and enjoy Colorado's public lands, wildlife, and natural resources.
- Respect other outiftter and guide members' rights within the association and shall not directly or indirectly cause injury to others.